Upside down cross text/character ?

Can someone give me an upside down cross text symbol so I can put it as my Fb name like next to it, I've always wanted a st peter cross but never been able to find it, if you don't know or you're just going to give me a pointless link to a stupid website get the hell out of here, I need someone to actually paste it for me down there on the answers please


  • I'm on mobile so my phone doesn't read all the symbols, but I'm more than sure you will find it on this website

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    Upside down cross text/character ?

    Can someone give me an upside down cross text symbol so I can put it as my Fb name like next to it, I've always wanted a st peter cross but never been able to find it, if you don't know or you're just going to give me a pointless link to a stupid website get the hell out of here, I need...

  • For the best answers, search on this site

    The same thing (kind of) happened to me. Some lovey-dovery Christians will tell you that the Lord is all-oving and wonderful. That's true but it's not the only way the Lord works. I was saved because something very scary happened to me and it made me question my beliefs. There's nothing wrong with fearing God. Read Proverbs: "Because the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (Proverbs 1:7)." He made you fear Him for a reason, and that is the reason above. Fear is the beginning of knowledge. If you feel you are ready, accept Him as your saviour and begin reading the Bible again. You will gain the knowledge He wants you to.

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