simple math grade 8 problem help?

The sum of the integers is 23 less than the product.

Which two integers would make each true.

If you've go tthe answer, pleasse tell me how you got it.

BTW: That's all the Q says


  • There are several answers to this problem. Let the numbers be p and q. The statement in the question leads to the equation

    p + q = pq - 23

    This can be rearranged to

    q = (p + 23)/(p - 1)

    It's now down to what integer values of p produce integer values of q. As far as I can see, for positive p they are (p, q) = (2, 25), (3, 13), (4, 9), (5, 7). Any larger value of p produces the same pair in reverse.

    If negative integer values are allowed then (p, q) = (-1, -11), (-2, -7), (-3, -5). This time any lower value for p produces the same pair in reverse.

    EDIT. I've just realised that (0, -23) is also a solution.

  • The numbers are 5 and 7. If you multiply 5 and 7, you get 35. If you add 5 and 7, you get 12.

    So the sum is 12, the product is 35. The sum is 23 less than the product, and if you subtract 12 from 35 you get 23.

    I solved through process of elimination.

  • Do you propose that y represents the variety of ladies human beings and x the variety of adult adult males interior the workplace. Then x = 5y and x + y = 50, so 5y + y = 50 Sorry, your archives is defective, this claims there are 8 a million/3 women human beings interior the workplace and 40-one 2/3 adult adult males. possibly you meant there are 60 workers?

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