do doctors get a bonus from particular drug companies?

I went in to my doctor to have my IUD removed. ~Mirena ~manufactured by Bayer.

This company has been sued and threatened by the FDA for false information provided by the company about their products (and many of these products are outright harmful).

My doctor insisted the symptoms I have had were unrelated to my birth control. Insisted this birth control was the safest around~ despite the fact that many of my symptoms were ones the FDA threatened need to be included in the information provided by the company ~or else the FDA iss pulling the drugs and products.

So~ my doctor decides to write me prescriptions from~ bayer.


So what kind of bonus does a doctor get for being in bed with a drug company?

And before you say it~ I already have a new doctor lined up.


  • The importance of your question aside, even of more concern to me is the almost unrestricted use of drug company samples pushed by individual doctors.

    My own doctor gave me plenty of free samples of several drugs that were in the process of recall and finally removed from the market. It is almost like they pay little or no attention to reports of serious problems relating to a drug, until such time the courts start making monetary awards to the victims!!

    Something should be done to restrict these pretty 26 year old drug company ho's (smile) from shaking their booty in the doctors face, as they ply him with sample drugs. Shame on ya doctors who roll over so easy for a pretty face.

  • Where there is a lot of money, there is a lot of corruption.

    My husband worked at a hospital years ago in the billing department. He discovered bills that were being sent to patient's insurance companies for visits that never happened. When he brought this up they found a way to get not only him, but his step dad fired to keep it quiet.

    I'm not sure if or what dollar amount they get, but it wouldn't surprise me.

  • Over here, bonus are not allowed, and not approved. However they are encouraged to give free samples so patients are demonstrated how well they'll get given a sample products. Answer is it depends on the local laws and on how well doctors observe them.

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