LGBTS: Does your sexual fantasies ever come true?

Mine don't..LOL but im going to make it happen(Ahh making out in the locker room with him)..LOL

MP: Be ugly or be unattractive(CHOOSE ONE)??

MP: Kiss at the movies or at the boardwalk in the beach??



Boardwalk duh!!!!


  • Most dont but i have had 2.

    had sex in the school bathroom and had sex taking a shower (which was also at school) god i miss him, he was just as wild as me and we were like the best gay couple at our school. he moved to mexico so we broke up. very sad

    arnt both of those the same thing, well i might go for ugly cuz then i could change my look to were i look somewhat hot... ugh i dont want to think what would happen if i go ugly

    i want to kiss at the movies but the boardwalk would be so much cooler!

  • For three days they did. The other ones with my best friend won't ever come true, but I have a really good brain for making up dreams and fantasies. :)

    MP: Unattractive

    MP: Boardwalk, I like watching movies in movies theatres. I also don't like making out infront of a bunch of strangers...or people I know for that matter. lol

  • Sadly, not yet. But I will still try to fulfill them. xD And apparently, we share (at least) one sexual fantasy ;p

    MP 1: Hmm...tough one. What's the difference between ugly and unattractive? Anyways, my brain tells me to say unattractive, so that's what it's going to be. xD

    MP 2: Ugh. Also a tough one. Both are pretty nice, but if you mean in the country you live in, then definitely the movies. Our beaches aren't romantic and they're cold!

  • every day of the year! My boyfriend and that i've got some bright imaginations, so we've lots of sexual relaxing. 15 years and nevertheless bobbing up with great strategies. a million. great. the b/f and that i had a good day 2. particular, so does the b/f 3. Sorry, yet neither. i do no longer would desire to. i'm 0.5 German, so i assume my boyfriend could answer German 4. Italian. flow to Italy to get the wonderful Italian nutrition, however.

  • No

    MP: unattractive

    MP: Boardwalk

  • Yes, every one of them have come true :D

    mp. ugly

    mp. boardwalk

  • No

    MP: wut's the difference? unattractive i guess

    MP: Movies

    ♂ + ♂ = ♥

    ♀ + ♀ = ♥

    ♀ + ♂ = ♥

  • Sometimes

  • Never, but that's okay. I can replay them in my head any time I like.


    The beach for sure.

  • yes mine always come true i just finished having sex with fabio on a unicorns back :) it was wonderful

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