Do you own a Canada Goose parka and if so...? you have a problem with the down always popping out of the seams?

First and foremost, I bought my Canada Goose from an authorized retailer and it has the hologram to prove authenticity, so it's supposedly not some cheap knockoff. However, this jacket certainly does feel like a cheap knockoff. Down is flying out of seams most notably around the pocket area and near the hood, and sometimes the down is visible on the sleeve of my coat. Does anyone else have this problem or is my jacket the only one of inferior quality?

I tried contacting them but they said they don't cover manufacturing defects. What kind of bull is that? I understand normal wear and tear is my responsibility, but to blatantly say that they "don't cover manufacturing defects" is preposterous because it's their fault.


@ Linda S

I purchase it from Canadian Icons, it's an online store and I did check the URL to make sure it's legitimate.


  • That's really odd. Can you tell us the site/store purchased from? The real Canada Goose coats don't leak from seams -that one of the big warning signs used to tell the real thing from counterfeits. The real deal is made using a baffled and sealed seam process that renders the shell down-proof and the seams wind proof. My husband has a Jacket that's lasted for over a decade Was the store listed on this site: or purchased from a site listed on this page? These are the only true retailers of Authentic Canada Goose products. Right now CG is one of the most counterfeited brands on the market and many sites that call themselves Canada Goose outlet-dot-com or canada goose sales-dot-com or any combination are in fact counterfeiters. To tell if the site you bought from was a counterfeiter enter the url on this page here: and you will find out if it is fake or real. And if it's a fake site you have immediately reported it.

    If the dealer was authentic and the coat authentic then e-mail Canada Goose -retailers are required to adhere to certain sales standards and customer service standards in order to sell the product. You might be able to get some type of resolution. If it's fake then I am sorry, not much you can do beyond report the business to the authorities and report on Web of Trust that the site is a counterfeiter.

  • Did it say Made in China?

    I'd go to YELP and write a negative review on them!

    I've been buying and wearing Down Jackets since the 70's and NOTHING like that ever happened to mine.

    But that was then, this is now where everything is Made in China, no matter what brand we buy!

    I buy from stores with good Customer Service, example: Nordstrom. I've worn this favorite shoes, for 18 years, but I went & talked to them, I've never had any of my shoes soles replaces, and I have hundreds of other shoes I wear along with this one. They told me to get them repaired, and they'll pay for it, and just this one time they will do that. One @ Marshall's, I returned a year later, a coat that was defective, and I got store credit. Stag still on the coat, I planned on wearing it comes winter!

  • Poutine [it incredibly is heaven!] Ketchup Chips [yet another heavenly concern] 5Cent goodies [ok .. i don't comprehend if its all of united statesa. yet there is none interior the SF Bay area] Robins Donuts top Minister Provinces French as an authentic language Canadians :] Maynards fuzzy peaches goodies KMP quite of MPH Um... ok i don't comprehend of something elsee... I pass over Canada now :[

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