How to ask a guy to Sadies Dance?

the theme of the dance is black and white


  • Subtle hints and suggestions often are too dense for other people to pick up on. The straightforward approach is usually best. Just ask the guy if he'd like to go with you. Scary, to be sure, but the worst he can say is "no," and even if he does, it's not the end of the world. Chances are, he'll be thrilled that he got asked and appreciative of your directness and self-confidence. Go for it!

  • Ask the Guy to sadies Dance

  • I just asked a really good friend of mine to a sadies dance by just calling him on the phone. It drives guys insane when girls try to ask guys in a creative way.

  • Make sure you ask someone that you know will say yes.FIRST

    Hey! Are you going to the dance with anyone yet?

    Go with me it will be fun.

    Make it Fun for him by adding little surprises before the dance. Play a cute prank on him.

  • Seriously perople she doesnt mean black and white skin color! Really! Just ask him! Don;t be afraid of rejection life is waaaaaaaaaaaay to short!

  • make a t-shirt and wear it then for school on the day you gonna ask him make sure you wearing a jacket and be like hey so and so the blam! show him the shirt i think would be cool

  • well go up to them ask just ask, and do it soon so if they say no you can have a back up ^_~

  • "hey my white a$$ plus your black a$$ equals good times"

  • i thought segregation was illegal

  • let him ask u first..=]

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