Poll: True Or False....?

Time goes by fast, days turn into weeks and months turn into years. But when your really looking forwards to something time goes by slowly.


Also when your not looking forwards to something, time goes by super fast!


  • True for sure.

  • i think of a variety of of the individuals who replied this ignored the ingredient of the quote. "all of us ought to get married atleast as quickly as of their life time, no person merits to be happy all their life" ability in case you're married, then you definately would be unhappy during the marriage. i think of he's quoting the point of view of a cynic who's had undesirable marriages. lots are undesirable like that because of the fact many human beings are immature in relationships, and marry for the incorrect motives, yet on the comparable time, some human beings finally end up in extremely sturdy marriages which do no longer destroy aside like that. on the turn edge nonetheless, no marriage is suited, so all would have issues, whether life is the comparable (besides the shown fact that i don't have faith this interpretation replaced into considered by ability of the author). Assuming you're judging authentic or fake on the muse of "anybody needs to adventure some thing which won't be friendly yet is an ingredient of life" (and not whether marriage is or isn't undesirable), then i could say the assertion is authentic to an quantity (I agree, yet i do no longer think of all of us must be compelled to do something, purely recommended, subsequently I disagree with using "ought to"). Convuluted answer i assume, yet given how Lord Bryon worded it, there are some quite a few issues to declare. Or to paraphrase; authentic, yet i think of he's being overly cynical and has debateable premises for his argument.

  • definately true....im going to nyc this weekend and i booked the tickets less than a month ago but it feels like ive been waiting for over a year. i try to stay busy to pass the time but it never works

  • Time flies when you're having fun is an old saying my mother used to tell me. Which is why Christmas eve is the longest night of the year.

  • True ! Like when I am in a class I hate each minute by itself is an hour ! and its a 3 hour class !!

  • I KNOW!!!

    Time was going by so fast until I got my ticket for Warped Tour. Now it feels like time is moving in slow motion.

  • it is super true it happens all the time

  • True.

    I don't know the precise reasons why.

  • Absolutely true! an you know it

  • of cause false.

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