why do mexican girls prefer white guys?

I heard that Mexican girls prefer white guys cause they want light skin babies and that;s sad since most mexican guys can't get a girl unless he is light skinned,so do you believe that is true


  • They like white meat

  • funny thing is that nobody wants white men

    ive seen white girls with black guys and mexicans

    ive seen black girls with blacks,mexicans and the ugly ones go to the white men

    and mexican girls like some blacks but more on the mexican side

  • I dont think its true...I go to school and all the Mexican Girls are with mexican guys so i dont know what the *** you talkin about..

    Or probley they just want a green card wedding.

  • Are you serious?

    We're not Brazilians bro, most Mexicans are 60-80% European blood if you didn't know.

  • some mexican girls are like that but not all

  • I'm guessing you're really young

  • well thats not true . you mistaken us with centro americans

  • shut up fag and take your bull somewhere else

  • Mexican women prefer their own men first. You can't say because a few Mexican women date White guys that they prefer them. LOL That is stupid.

    Well because most Mexican women are more comfortable with their own kind which is Mexican men.Mexican women and men tend to be more conservative. Plus many know that interracial or marrying different ethnic groups has a high risk of failure. Also family structure is very important to Mexicans and you are not just marrying a person but their whole family. Mexican families also want Mexican grandchildren just like Whties want White grandchildren and Asian want Asian grand kids and even many black families want black grand kids.

    Thing is most Mexican women stick to their own kind it is true and their is nothing wrong with it. Mexicans are also minorities and had to go through many struggles. Mexican communities are very tight. Plus their some horror stories of a few Mexican women getting pregnant by black men and having to be single mothers and the black guy either vanishes or gets another girl pregnant. This puts a lot of pressure on the family and some Mexicans families disown their daughters because they feel that if she made the choice then she has to live with the consequences. This happens sometimes as well if they don't like the Mexican guy they choose.

    Mexicans are more country folk since much of the Wild West was country and more tribal as well due to their Amerindian ancestry.


    be very careful when they attend Mexican night clubs to not start trouble because they are out numbered by a wide margin.



    Mexican dance style


    Actually not true. Their will always be black people and Mexicans and Asians and Whites. Usually people from the same ethnic groups stick together. Mexicans stick with Mexicans and Blacks stick with Blacks and Whites stick with Whites. Here I will give you an example. Reason I say this is because 90% of the people i know that are Mexican are married to other Mexican or Mexican Americans and then you have a small percentage marrying whites and even a smaller percentage marrying Asians and even a smaller percentage marrying blacks. It is really not that common.

    Mexicans are very tribal and it has always been part of our culture. However we are not the only ones and you can see it with other groups as well. Like if you go to a White Country Club most the people you will see are Whites or if you go to a Black R&B club or Jazz club most people will be Black.

    Mexicans like hanging out with other Mexicans so it is common for a Mexican to marry another Mexican because of culture and traditions and having more things in common and putting family first and of course our family is important and we want them to also be happy as well with our choice of spouse.

    Mexicans have their own culture and music they listen to like Banda, Mariachi, Norteno and they hang out in certain areas. This also helps avoid clashes between different ethnic groups. It doesn't take much for something to start and get out of control quickly. Even other ethinic groups like Guatemalans or Salvadoreans have to be very careful when they attend Mexican night clubs to not start trouble because they are out numbered by a wide margin.

    African Americans

    Blacks have African American culture and their music like rap and hip hop and style of dancing.

    CLUB "ibar" Downtown HOUSTON - Hosted by: SuperDave (HD -720i)



    One example of African American dance style

    Drumline Sigma Party


    sians Truth is that usually this also can break down into specific Asian groups like Chinese hang with Chinese and Filipinos hang with Filipinos and Koreans hang with Koreans especially if they speak their native language. This also happens with Hispanic Latinos where Mexicans usually hang with Mexicans and Puerto ricans hang with Puerto Ricans and Cubans hang with Cubans.

    Chicago Asian Nightclubs | Ginseng.tv at Ohm 3-2-13



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