Do you fear death......?
And what do you think happens when we die? Why do you think that way?
Update:Ya coffee- In the Bible there are 3 heavens it says, i think the top is were god is.
Update 3:Pretty li- I had a similar dream, except i was trying to stay alive for a little and it was so hard, like staying up for like ten days and trying to keep your eyes open. But eventually i just let them slowly close and i felt so comfortable and at peace it was like (almost) the feeling you would get going to heaven. Then the dream ended, it was one of the most comfortable moments i probably might ever feel, and i was asleep.
No, it's natural, part of life. I'll accept it when the time comes. It doesn't mean I want to now though, life's great; I'd happily put off death. I'm just not scared of it, it's futile otherwise. As for what happens afterwards, who knows. We have our hopes and beliefs, but no-one can be sure until it happens anyway, theres no evidence either way. So I just get on with my life, and I enjoy it whilst I can
Well... A difficult question, I may say.
Many people ask them selves this. Some follow religion, and others follow science.
Personally, I fear death because, no-one can ever tell how it is to died... So I basically fear that it is painful, difficult, etc... But On the other hand, I don't really fear it, because I want to die, to experience it (but every thing at the time, I don't want it now!).
I don't really know or imagine what happens when we die.
I'm in a confusing time, I'm trying to figure out life... and so I have two theories:
1st - Scientific. We die, our body "stops", we don't work no more. And eventually turn into mineral material.
2nd - "Religious". This one is the one that I think that there is a soul. The soul will live after our body dies and will go to the spirit section, until another human being is born and this soul is "given" to him/her. This means that our body dies, but we never...
Hope I've helped
I am not afraid of death. I once had a dream that I died, and it was like rushing towards nothing. My mind closing off from the outside in, until nothing was left but a pinprick of light. And then the light extinguished. But I had time to know what was happening, and there was no fear, only peace.
Death is inevitable. Why fear what you cannot control? What will be, will be. To fight against it is like shaking your fist at a hurricane.
Well yes. I really don't want to go and just stop working. I mean, what if I have some unfinished business with the plumber and my ghost gets to watch my body be cried all over and stuck in the ground to decompose.
Why do I think that way? I watch Tim Burton and Alfred Hitchcock. I read R.L.Stine and Stephen King. That's why.
Hope you didn't think of me as rude. I'm in a mood right now. (teenage hormones!!!)
No, I don't fear death, I fear the mystery that comes after it. I am constantly up at night thinking "what is going to happen to me once I die? Will there be a life after it, or will I simply see nothing but black for eternity", and so on.
In all seriousness, it's the only thing that scares me.
Do I fear death? No, its just as part of life as anything else... What I think people fear about Death is more about the philosophycal question. Where do we go or, if you fear eternal darnation, what would happen. In my particular case I a big fan of re-encarnation, reason being,for me is what makes more sense: If the soul is basicly energy and according to Einstein energy doesn't get destroyed but transforms then we could have choosen a body in which to house that soul, or its randomly choosen( and this would make sense, if we going to take into account the theory of a random Universe, in which case we could say God has great sense of humor. I hope this help you, but off course is different for everyone...
Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou art so;
For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow
Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleep, which but they pictures be,
Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee do go.
Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery,
Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,
And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well
And better than thy stroke, why swell'st thou then?
One short sleep past, we wake eternally
And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.
A sonnet by John Donne
Yes, because it is a big unknown, but I don't worry about it because it is a trip we all have to take. I think that I become a god, maybe even the god! Why? Because nobody knows what happens, so I might as well make up something grand
No. I am a practicing Lutheran, so I believe in God, Jesus, forgiveness, Heaven and Hell. I have never been afraid of death. I do not particularly want to die, but have never been afraid of it.
I think we all fear death - it's instinct.
I nursed my mother when she was dying and she was not a religious person in life but she seemed to be seeing angels toward the end. At one point she told me that they were taking her to different "heavens" to see where she would go when she died and she told me that day she was taken to a place - but she said she didn't like it - it was all lawyers types there - I had to laugh.
No, never feared death, never will, when we die we will just be plant fertiliser