How do You Turn a Scan into a Microsoft Word 2007 Document?
My dad owns a small business and he wants to start advertising more. He got me one of his business magazines and told me to save all the addresses of other companies so we could advertise to them.
The question is: How do You Turn a Scan into a Microsoft Word 2007 Document?
Most directions say on their algorithm to go to
Start>Programs>Miscrosoft Office Tools>Microsoft Office Document Imaging.
You see, I don't have Microsoft Document Imaging. I think it's because I have Microsoft Office 2007 and not 2003.
Oh please help!
To whoever's answer works I will give him 10 points!
First of all, I suggest you save them in an Excel spreadsheet rather than in Word, so you can use Word's Mail Merge for mass mailings.
Second, you'd probably get the job done faster just by typing the addresses in. In the time it takes to scan and convert a page of text, not to mention cleaning up mistakes in the OCR, you could probably do three or four addresses by hand.
Hope that helps.
abbyy finereader is the best software to scan into word/pdf/excel/image files.