How do i use a micro SD card?

I have a nokia 6555, i got a micro sd card, it came with 3 cards, the smallests says2 gigs the middle one says sanDisk adapter and the largest sats Micro sd to Sd adaptor, i dont know which one to use, i dont know how to put music on any of the cards, and im not blonde


  • Well I dont know about nokias but I have LG witch uses a micro sd, just open your cellphone and insert the card that says 2 gigs, thats the important one, when you whant to put it in your computer just pop it out and insert it in the one that looks like the normal sd card (its the micro sd to sd adaptor ) then you put that one in the computer and open it as if it where a pent drive or simply go to my computer and open it from there.There will be difrent foldiers such as music pictures, etc. just copy paste whatever music or pics you what and your done. By the way I dont know what the medium sized one does.

  • The smallest one (the micro sd) goes into the phone after you put songs on it. The smallest one can fit into (makes sure the arrows are facing the right direction) the next larger one so you can use it as an SD card. And most likely the largest is the adapter or intefrace which you can transfer whatever files you want from your computer using the USB port. Sometimes the usb adapter (the largest one) will accept only the micro SD (smallest one) and other times it will take the SD (so all three must be interconnected to transfer files to the smallest one)....

    Basically shove the smallest one into the next bigger one, and that one into the next bigger one and shove that into your computer. it will be a removable drive and drag sh** into it. Then take that tiny one and put it into your phone.

  • The adapter makes the MicroSD card just like a regular SD card. I'm not sure whether your microSD card goes directly into the phone, or if you have to put it into the adapter (microSD to SD). However to put your music onto the Micrto SD card you need either a MicroSD card reader, or an SD card reader.

    You might have to buy USB device or something to put stuff onto the MicroSD cards, or you could get something that reads SD cards. You may also be able to jsut plug in your "Nokia" right into your computer. Best to look over your instruction book again to find out if you can.

  • You need to get a micro SD card reader for your computer to be able to put pics, music onto it. Typically, the micro SD card packs will come with one. As for how it fits into your phone, make sure that your phone is SD compatible and I would go to my service provider and ask them how to insert the SD card into the phone, micros are very fragile and if you do not know what you are doing you can easily break it. Good luck though!

  • take the smallest one and put it in your phone. (once you do, you'll see the others won't fit).

    you can transfer music several ways.

    one way is through bluetooth. turn on your phone's bluetooth and pair with your (bluetooth capable) PC.

    another way is through phone sync. your nokia phone should have come with a PC sync software and cables. just install this and hook up your usb cable and transfer away.

    a third way is to purchase music online through your phones web browser. you can download the purchased songs directly to your phone.

    or you can take your micro sd card and slide it in the SD adapter. this merely increases the physical size of your card (nothing else) so that it can fit into a garden variety card reader. if your pc didn't come with one, there are plenty of cheap ones available.

    I am blonde

  • ok get the smallest one and put it into the bigest adapter the SD adaptor...put it into your computer...if they have a location to insert the card, copy past mp3 songs onto your card, take out it out put the smallest card into your phone and it should play wala! hope you sorta get it...the adaptors varey dpending on witch type of slot you have.

  • Use the one that says 2 gigs, the others are adapters.

  • google it

  • plug it in

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