How do I get a regular digestive system?

So lately i have been having issues with my digestive system. i will only go about every 3 days maybe. its not because im choosing not to, but i never get the feeling. recently i drank a lot of water for about 2 days and i was able to somewhat clear out my system. i think the reason why i have problems is because i dont drink much water. however, its been 2 days and i still havent really gone and i have been drinking water. also i dont like how the water always makes me feel bloated and i always have to go pee. i dont want to have to wait 3 days until i go to the bathroom. i would like to be regular. any help? thank you!


oh by the way, i do eat as healthy as possible. i eat alot of fruits and healthy food


  • Try including more fiber in your diet, such as fruits and veggies.

    If it still doesn't get better than see your doctor. Always see your doctor when you haven't had a bowel movement for 4 day. At about the 7th day is when constipation can become dangerous.

  • To answer your title, simply eat enough protein, carbohydrates, and fats for your body size and activity level. Also, I'd suggest adding fibrous green vegetables and maybe some whole wheat bread and pasta for fiber, which helps in going and keeping it sturdy and not backing it up.

    And in truth, you'll just have to suck it up and deal with peeing constantly! Keeping it in your body causes things like gout and kidney stones, especially if it's typically yellow.

    What is your activity level and sleeping schedule? That, in addition to healthy eating habits affects it as well. If you're inactive, a lot of what you put in you gets wasted and turned to fat and/or poop.

    I'm not you nor a mind reader so I can't tell you for sure, but based on my experience I'm betting it's what you are or are not eating.

  • Try shakeology, it has pre and pro biotics and digestive enzymes

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