Good FPS Co-Op Game?

what is a good fps (first person shooter) that has a co-op mode that you can play without having to be online or system link for the xbox and/or xbox360?


  • Rainbow Six Vegas 2, COD4, Army of two, if you are really old school Halo, and that's about it.

  • Army of Two tops my list. You can play co-op split screen or online. There is a lot of customization with weapons and a variety of different "masks" that you can choose for your character. Check it out online and then go buy it. You won't be disappointed.

  • Hmmm ... co-op horror fps kill fest on the PC? Can't think of any. All console games.

  • COD4 Number one First person shooter. My Gamertag is I Mr Red I

  • Well, theres call of duty 4, which has easy achievements and you can own your bro/sis, or friend at without live. (xbox 360)

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