Do cats creep you out??????????????

I think cats are cool!


  • No way. I have 8 cats and I love them.

  • Cats are awesome! They're cute and furry and agile and... just plain awesome!

    But... Their eyes in the dark are pretty creepy... and that they are so sneaky you don't know where they are and they could just pop out anywhere. They can be creepy at times, especially at night but i think that just adds to their awesomeness!

  • to make certain if the dogs develop into messin together with his muddle field.. yet while he got here in.. he have been given sidetracked via the mouse interior the corner.. and the mouse.. properly he develop right into a sensible little guy.. he by surprise met his hollow and whilst the cat develop into watching the mouse.. the dogs develop into watching the cat watch the mouse! and...

  • Sometimes. Cats are cute, but babies and small animals stare at me a lot...

  • No, I've always had at least 3 or 4 around.

  • no way! my cats understand me more then most ppl, my dog understands me as well.. animals never judge

  • Let's put a smile on that face

  • not for the most part...

    ...although, sometimes mine will just sit at the foot of my bed, glaring at me through evil slits that were once if he's plotting my grizzly death or something...

    ...i don't know.

  • sometimes....when they just keep staring at you, but i guess if any animal stares for an uncomfortable amount of time its creepy.

  • No I find them amusing.

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