How do you deal with a parent's deployment?

My mom is in the Navy and this is supposed to be her last deployment before officially retiring from the Navy. She has been in for 25 years, but it seems like with me becoming a teenager and having so many issues dealing with puberty, boys, trying to find out who I am sexually,starting at a new school (I go to a private all girls school) and starting a new sport (I became a cheerleader) I am just really taking this deployment harder than I have the others. She is 4 months into a 8 month deployment. My mom is my best friend and my biggest cheerleader. She is always telling my older sister to be more like me. How did you make I through your parents deployment and did you feel closer or further away from them when they got home? Any advice on how I can make it through this?



  • Wow, that is so rough, girl. So sorry. I heard you can email, right? Or even if you can't send it or she can't get it, write the emails anyway to express yourself.

    Again, I'm very sorry, dear. 4 monhs and she'll be home.

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