Who do I contact about incorrect Fallout New Vegas DLC?

I ordered my copy of New Vegas from Walmart, rather than Game Stop my usual game supplier, because I disliked the DLC pack that gamestop customers were receiving. I opened up my copy of New Vegas and found the incorrect DLC. The Classic pack instead of the Caravan pack. This was actually the one scenario I hadn't thought about when worrying about the game getting here. So I pose my question again, who should I contact to receive the correct DLC. And FYI I've already tried contacting Bethesda directly and the phone number they provided in the game book, doesn't work, and their website is anything but helpful. However if you have a better way to contact them, that works too.


  • i would think you would need to contact the tech support and its probably going to take a few days before they get back to you.you could try bringing it back to walmart and see what they tell you,if they give you another game then i would open it up in front of them to see what you get.hope this helps.good luck.

  • in my opinion, it replaced into hit or omit with the DLC. basic Hearts - I enjoyed the ecosystem and the lower back tale related to the blistered guy replaced into so exciting yet they did rarely something with that tale. It replaced into additionally too short and trouble-free. no longer extremely a challenge until you attempt it on a low point and hence the only challenge is how annoying it is to kill the enemy. Very uninteresting. ineffective money - opposite to maximum comments, i in my view enjoyed this DLC. the story is actual exciting and that i somewhat like the map. the only element i in my view hate approximately that's the dimensions. After a whilst of killing ghost those with a bear capture fist, it turns into somewhat repetitive and you will't wait to end it. i admire the restrictions of the collar by fact it makes it difficult. outdated international Blues - this replaced into my well-known one. i admire the diverse robotic characters and the debate you might have with them even although once you are the variety of participant who takes no observe of the debate, then that's somewhat lots. The map is okay, particularly everyday, the assumption of the entire place being in a crater is particularly cool although. the real draw with this DLC is the armor and weapons that are attainable. various the quests are fairly exciting too. Lonesome highway - This to me is neither stable or undesirable. the story is okay, no longer something too exciting although. that's large which you get replace for Ed-e which run over to the main interest and you will get some particularly good armor and weapons. This DLC is lots greater exciting in case you circulate off the factor of the main highway. in case you do no longer circulate off the line, then this DLC might nicely be somewhat short and uneventful. The map itself is extremely cool and broken down. factors of it strike a twine in me of Fallout 3. So all in all I somewhat enjoyed them yet basic Hearts replaced into the biggest enable down of all of them. the finest tale grew to become the worst DLC. i presumed Mothership Zeta for Fallout 3 replaced into the worst DLC. i chanced on it to be very repetitive regardless of the cool placing and weapons on furnish. i presumed element Lookout replaced into the terrific Fallout 3 DLC. It replaced into so eerie and exciting. i do no longer think of i will verify which interest's DLC replaced into greater suited yet I actual do think of PL is the terrific of all of them. (So perhaps that suggestion the size...)

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