Is time a man made construct ?

My head hurts from considering this. I only thought about it because I wondered if I was none existent for a longer time time before I was born than after I die.


  • No, time is not a man made construct - the numerous methods of measuring time throughout man's history, however, is definitely a man made construct.

    And, yes, all of the time before you were born and all of the time after you die will be, relative to you, non-existent.

    Now, my head hurts, too. Thanks.

  • The concept of time is one which has perhaps been in existence ever since mankind began to evolve. time is mentioned in the first book of the bible with the world being created in 6 days and the Lord resting on the seventh. But time precedes this, and has always been measured, whether by marking the changes of the moon or the tides of the sea.

    time featured within both Egyptian and Roman civilisations, but some Stone Age cave paintings indicate that seasons were already being monitored and recorded. Time would have been important to people even in those times, in order to know when to sow, nurture and then harvest crops.

    The Romans are generally credited with dividing up time as we know it today and they had sundials depicting hours and they regulated days and months as well as years.

    However each civilisation, no matter how remote and uncivilised will have had some means of measuring time, even if the time was measured in different units, so no single culture or epoch can take absolute credit for 'inventing' time.

  • Time is a measurement of change. Without time there can be no change. As plenty of things in the universe changed before man even arrived on the scene, let alone contemplated whether time was real or not, I can only surmise that time is not a mad made construct. As for whether you were none existent for longer before you were born or after, that depends on the ultimate fate of the universe.

  • No, time is not a man-made construct or entity.

    Although there has been a recent change, man would re-set the atomic clock(s), the most acurrate clocks on the planet, by the movement of the stars in the universe; meaning, although these clocks are only off by thousandths of a second every few hundred years, mankind uses the unvierse to keep track of time.

    All things equal, the concept of time is "littered" throughout the cosmos, and is extremely evident here in our solar system.

    One full rotation of the Earth on its axis makes one day's time.

    Seven full rotations of the Earth on its axis makes one week.

    One full orbit of the moon as well as one full rotation on its axis makes one month. (Although the Gregorian calendar usually "disagrees" with the timing of the moon's orbit, every 19 years all calendars come back into sync with the universe's perpetual time-clock, if you will.)

    One full orbit of the Earth around the sun makes one year.

    I don't see how anyone, knowledgeable of the observed facts, could say that time is a man made concept, but that's just me.

  • it all depends on how you see time...

    if you see it as in a clock etc, then yes, it is man made...

    but if you see it as in day/night and seasons etc, then it all depends on whether you are religeous (Gods creation) or favour things like the Big Bang theory

    although reading your question it could be involving re-incarnation etc, because you mention existing before birth...?

    please clarify

  • Read this guy's book, "The End of Time".

    Warning, buy an extra bottle of

    Just kidding it is a pretty good book. You might find some on his web site that would help answer your question.

  • yes man came up with time.

  • Yes. Time actually doesnt even exist.

  • yes and now you are hurting my head

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