Can I register my dog as an ESA Dog?

I have had my dog since I was about 6, Im 15 now and We have moved around alot. I was living with my farther with the dog but then I got the chance to move in with my mom, and she talk to her landolord and she said we could have the dog, even though they are technically not aloud (Our down stairs neighbor has a dog and not for any medical reasons, Also Our landlord has 2 dogs. A few days ago we got a notice on our door saying we had 10 days to pay 250$ a month (Yes a month its ridiculous) Or 1000$ Ever so often (She didnt tell us when we would have to) Or we would have to get rid of him. So this is where my question comes into play, I have terrible Anxiety, at Social event, Randomly just sitting at home I will get and Anxiety attack about any sorta thing, so I was wondering since i know people that have dogs for anxiety, depression ect, if we could possibly do that. We called My doctor and they said when we go in to tell the doctor we need a notice


  • I'm going to make a macro for this, I'm tired of typing it.

    OK....You don't have to register an ESA animal OR a service dog. For an ESA you need to get a note FROM AN MD on professional letterhead, dated within the past year, stating that you need the animal with you for your emotional well-being and stability. This note must be renewed every twelve months. That will get you into housing without a pet deposit but you will still have to pay for damage caused by the animal, and you can travel with the animal free on public transportation. Airlines need 48 hours notice. It will not get the animal into other places pets are banned like restaurants and certain stores.

  • Nope

    There is NO register for ESA since they are just pets.

    ESA are pets so they can't be on publiuc transportation, can't be in pet free housing and can't be taken into stores> NO LL has to allow an ESA since its only a pet.

    So what if the LL has two dos? The LL owns the building so they can have dogs if they want. The other person is paying the pet rent. Your mom either has to pay the pet rent or get ird of the dog. Being an ESA won't make it exempt from the pet rent and once again the LL doesn't have to allow your mom to keep the dog even if she gets papers from the doctor since ESA are only pets

  • If your Dr. writes a letter saying you need the animal they have to rent to you with no deposit, unless it is a private owner with few units or he/she lives there, too. Then they don't have to rent to you. You can look up the actual Federal law on the internet. I have a case going now where I was told I couldn't have my service animal. I could also file another one where I live now, because they said no, also. The law is for housing, not for airlines & other places. Those are different kinds of service animals for blind/deaf people, etc.. Hope that isn't PI. The Housing law is more for comfort animals. I get my letter every year. Look under Fair Housing and you should be able to find it. I read it in quite a few places on the internet. I also spoke to Fair Housing on the phone in ID and this state. In ID I was allowed to take my dog in WM. Each place can make their own rules, though. They are not required by law to let the animal in the store or wherever.

  • Some landlords are exempt from having to allow ESAs (particularly when there are smaller numbers of units and the landlord also lives on the property, which sounds like may be the case for you). In addition, you have to meet the legal definition of disabled- just having a condition is not enough, and the animal has to have a mitigating effect on your disability. You also need to realize that you'll be labeling yourself as so mentally ill that you're disabled by it. You also generally have to request and be granted permission to have the animal as an accomodation for your disability before bringing it into the housing, and the law doesn't actually prohibit charging pet deposits or pet rent for the animal, though many landlords do choose to waive those fees. So, you may still be in a position of having to pay a fee.

    I'd suggest your mother contact an attorney that's familiar with tenants rights in your area. Laws vary quite a lot, and in some places the original verbal agreement may be binding- IF your mother did not then go on to sign a legally binding lease that specified dogs weren't allowed.

  • An ESA is nothing special, just a pet that isn't allowed anywhere dogs are not allowed. You're SOL.

  • There is no registration for ESA

    ESA can still be subject to size and breed restrictions, and pet rent/deposits.

    since they are not service dogs, they are not protected under ADA guidelines. In many states, landlords are under no legal obligation to allow an ESA

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