What do pygmy cories eat?
Hi, so I have 6 pygmy cories in my tank and I have never seen them eat at all. They've been in the tank for weeks and I had 3 pygmy died but only one had a sunken belly and the one with the sunken belly had its fins nipped when I bought it. I assume he was unhealthy when I purchase it from the store but apart from that, the other 2 died fat, or normal at the very least.
I currently feed them tetramin tropical flakes (I crush them with my fingers until it becomes tiny little bits and to encourage them to sink, knowing that cories are bottom feeders). They don't seem to be interested in that. What exactly do they eat? Have you ever kept pygmy cories and if you have, what did you feed them?
thanks in advance!
Thanks for the input Jack, I'll definitely try feeding them sinking pellets by the way, I feed them once a day and I don't think I would dare to only feed them twice a week. I think this would make them aggressive when it's feeding time and would then compete vigourously with their tankmates.
Your right. They need sinking food. Feed them shrimp pellets and algae wafers. Don’t forget to give them frozen blood worms once a week. They LOVE them. Any frozen or live foods are welcome. They are not that picky. They are carnivores though. They should get plenty of meaty food. Make sure you keep a group of them so they feel secure. You may want to put the food in and turn off the light. Maybe they feel nervous in the tank. Do you have enough hiding places for them? Feed frozen blood worms and brine shrimp to encourage eating for now. Good luck.
Pygmy Cories
Dwarf Corydoras, Pygmy Corydoras, Tail Spot Pygmy Catfish, Mini Spotlight Corydoras
SIZE: To 1" (2.5 cm)
TANK: 16" (60 cm) or 5 gallons (19 L). The tank should be heavily planted to provide hiding places for this small catfish. Although this Corydoras is a mid-water swimmer, a fine gravel or sand substrate should be used as the Dwarf Corydoras will occasionally burrow. This catfish enjoys swimming into a moderate current that can be created by a power or canister filter. The Dwarf Corydoras occasionally likes to rest on a flat stone or broad leafed plant. Use bright lighting.
WATER: pH 6-7.8 (7.0); 2-20 dH (10); 75-82°F (24-28°C)
FOOD: Small live foods; small aquatic insects, white worms, Tubifex , Brine Shrimp, insect larvae; tablets; small flakes; will nibble algae
U most certainly should not be feeding them flake food! Despite them nibbling on any bits that make it to the bottom they need better food to survive and have a better chance of fighting off disease. Get sinking granules or pellets that are designed for bottom feeders such as catfish and Corie's. These can be found in any good pet store. To keep them healthy ensure the gravel is clean. If any food reaches the bottom that they don't eat, scoop it out ans if the substrate begins to turn black or brown or any colour that is not the original colour clean it to keep your catfish happy and healthy. How often do you feed them? Despite the fish food pots usually saying feed them twice a day, you actually only need to feed them once twice week. For example, i feed mine on wednesday and sunday evenings. Don't think that they will starve because they won't and this is the best feeding Option for them as this means when it comes to feeding time they will be more hungry and will eat more food so less should be left uneaten to rot in the water. Another suggestion, is to turn the filter off when u feed. This means you can ensure no food sinks to the bottom uneaten as the filter will not sink it. Give them small pinches until they have eaten all they want, fish it out and then turn the filter back on. The sinking granules u should get will, as their name suggests, sink. Put in one or two pinches and this will satisfy 6 Corie's until the next feed. I hope this helps.
actual, i appoligse in strengthen, yet this is going to get a sprint gory you have 2 recommendations. in the adventure that your goldfish is gigantic sufficient, placed a paid of tweezers or foresips in his mouth (masking his eyes will provide up him freaking out too plenty) grab the cory (hell be lifeless, have confidence me) and pinch its gills and %fins down (they have barbs on them) Now slowly get rid of the cory. the different option is to enable the goldfish harm up the corys cranium with its "throat tooth" you are able to bypass the goldfish to a different tank. Shouldnt be saved with smaller fish, nor could or not that is saved at such extreme temperatures. Your tank additionally hasn't cycled in case you nevertheless have ammonia.