Is a 1979 Monte Carlo safe?

I'm a teenager and I really like that car. I have yet to start driving but as a person I am pretty cautious and I do not drink or do drugs whatsoever. People say that old school cars are not safe, but should i still get the car?


  • Is a 79 monte carlo safe? I would say so, its the next best thing to a tank, those 70s cars are far safer, and a lot tougher and more durable than a majority of new cars today. If it has a 350 engine and the th 350 automatic 3 speed this is a great drive train, and it will be around for many years, keep the oil clean, change the air filter and keep it in good tune and it should run strong. Even the metal on the fenders is twice as thick as the new cars, and 79 had real bumpers on them, not the fake expensive plastic crap bumpers cars have now. I Always like those 70s chevys, they just don't make them like that any more, there are plenty of parts available, all the brake parts and stuff like that are pretty inexpensive too. best of luck, keep it in good shape and hang on to a piece of american history!!!

  • It met all the safety standards at the time it was built. Obviously the current standards are much better but that doesn't make those cars unsafe just less safe.

  • If you live in an area prone to rust a 30 year old car is not probably the best choice.

  • My older sister had one and it was awesome! I think older cars are better made than newer ones. If you're still not sure, talk to someone who has one. You can probably find someone in a chat room. BTW, I loved that car!

  • IF you like it, then get it. Most oldschool cars are harder than the new ones, but the new ones are safer. Just drive safe.

  • if it's in proper working order it can be safer in some aspects,and cheaper parts. if you live in a area that requires smog tests tho i would make sure it has passed before you bought it.

  • Those "Old School" cars kept me alive through at least six car wrecks over the years.

    None of them were Japanese.....

  • Not in terms of today's standards they are not. No airbags, no stability control, RWD.

    There is a lot of steel to protect you, but if you are in a major accident, it would be a crapshoot on which way the steel went.

    So I guess every Japanese model kill or leave people seriously injured.

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