Natural face expression?

I was shy,but I got over it... And i've always had a natural face expression as a frown. When im with friends or people I know, im fine, my face is just "normal", I guess. But when im with a large groups,or just doing something alone, or just focusing in class, my face just goes to a natural frown. It's awkward, because some of my friends joke around like "why so sad", or "stop being serious".

Does allot of people have this?


  • that might be your natural facial expression.

    but another reason could be that you are happier with your friends, so you laugh and smile with them, but in other situations you are not as happy, so you go back to your natural face. there may also be some repressed feelings you have which make you frown.

  • Same. It's normal, just try to consciously smile :D

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