Is multiculturalism a hoax?

I live in a very multi-cultural part of London, although i suppose all of London is affected by this. But I've tended to see large concentrations of people, be they Africans, Asians, or Whites, all live in condensed spaces, so rather than living amongst each other, we tend to live just alongside each other, always keeping the other an arms length away.

Don't get me wrong, there are exceptions too. Blacks and whites do mix, hindu's and whites do mix. But why is it that we muslims, especially at university, seem to be separated. For the longest time, i did think it was just a muslim thing, but over the past few months, i've been looking out for this and seeing large groups of blacks at university always together, or large groups of whites, or asians. But they never tend to mix, or if they do, it's uncomfortably.

So is all this we hear about how wonderful it is to live in a multicultural society just a lie? Why do we see an increasing amount of white people leave for the suburbs as soon as the asian family move in next door, or the asian family want to move as soon as the blacks start moving to the neighborhood?

You will only really understand what I'm talking about if you live in highly mixed inner-city area's. Partly it's to do with stereotypes i think, but ALL stereotypes have an element of truth about them.

This is a very badly worded analysis of the problem i know, but what are your views of this?


  • The tendency to prefer one's own kind is not just a Muslim thing; it's something that all primates do. And, if I may refer to another answer's comments about "birds of a feather sticking together," the individual's inborn preference for his own race may be an almost universal animal characteristic, evolved because pressures from the natural environment consistently select for it as a survival adaptation.

    Nature gives every individual the task of playing nature's game as he believes will best advance the molecular information that led to his birth, and it serves no good purpose to gainsay the game's rules. If it is all the same to someone whether his race or another inherits the land, it does not mean that he has a loftier mind than most men do; rather, it means that there is something wrong in the mind he has. Normal organisms act to perpetuate their genes, whether they exist in themselves, in their families, or in their race. Social conditioning that disrupts that pattern of behavior is not an improvement from the evolutionary point of view; it is a defect that nature will get rid of in the natural course of events.

    It is strange, though, that the other guy believes, perhaps correctly, that the government in the UK would never admit that "this doesn't work" -- i.e., acknowledge what the truth of the matter really is -- "because the BNP and other racists would love that." As it has turned out, as experience has shown us, and as events continue to demonstrate, multiculturalism is a mistake. It does not work. The BNP and the other racists have been right from the beginning. And hiding our heads in the sand about it isn't going to help us one bit.

    All the British racists since Arnold Leese, and even earlier, have been telling the truth about racial mixing. If the UK government had listened to them, they'd not have the racial problems that they have now.

    The liberals keep saying "Just wait, multiculturalism will work; just give it some more time." They've been saying that since 1950, and that's plenty of time to test social policy. If, after sixty years, a policy remains a miserable failure, then it is time, and past time, to admit that the policy was a mistake.

    So why doesn't the government admit that mixing races in Britain was a mistake? Because there is a group of very influential people who approve of the confusion and trouble it brings. These are the people who promote the hoax of multiculturalism, and I'm sure that yew know who they are. They approve of confusion and trouble because it serves them as a distraction, a device by which they defect attention away from themselves, a political smokescreen behind which they pillage the country.

    These people, too, are playing nature's game -- and they are playing it rather more cleverly than anyone else is. They preach the goodness and inevitability of multiracial harmony knowing all the while that it is impossible and without really desiring any such result. They invent new "civil rights" purely in order to erode the old freedoms of Western civilization and to corrupt the traditional values of the host nations. Though they pretend to be the champion of the downtrodden, they can be depended on to feed their clients some sort of poison, sooner or later.

  • I think it has to do with staying around what and who you are familiar with, and therefore more comfortable with.

    We have friends who are an interracial couple; he's Black and she's White. They throw great parties, but when they do you can go from room to room and one room will be full of Black people partying, another full of White people partying, and another full of the kids partying. I am White. I feel like I know what to expect from other White people better than I know what to expect from Black people. Its not hostility, its just what you are comfortable with.

  • birds of a feather stick together probably. the government would never say 'this doesn't work' because the bnp and other racists would love that wouldn't they. compared to other countries britain does ok and people will probably mix more over the years.

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