Do girls find natural bodybuilders attractive?

I'm very into natural bodybuilding and I'm not doing it to impress the ladies im doing it for myself because its something I really enjoy doing. I was just wondering what girls think of natural bodybuilders, not the huge guys on steriods that look like the hulk.

Heres some examples.

Mind you these are contest pictures, we only look like this right before competitions.


  • no

    i think there is a limit on how big your muscles get.

    they look fake if they are too big.

    this is perfect

  • Actually. I know a female body builder and the look is much different when they are going to competitions. So you're right about that. Personally, I don't know why, but for SOME reason, I have this thing.... (kind of weird) but in my mind... I associate those bodybuilding men with being gay. I know it's stereotypical and totally not true, but it just comes to my mind because it seems like gay men would be into that kind of look. However, I am attracted to men with big muscles, but just not THAT extreme. I know for a fact that there are women out there that will swoon over a body building guy. But for me, personally, I kinda like my men meaty and chunky. Like football players. lol, but that's just my weird azz.

  • I think it is attractive if the guy stays grounded mentally. The mindset of most body builders is conceited. They are so preoccupied with themselves and it is always about them! They spend all their time in the gym and they want their GF to cater to them, ignoring her needs. They do not realize when they are being so obnoxious that they hurt the only one who stood by them when they were skinny. My ex was ripped, but not too much where it counted most.

  • Um... not really

    I think that some muscle is okay but it actually grosses me out with tons of muscle.

    No offense intended, just answering your Q.

    But what does it matter- if you like doing it and it's something that you like doing that's great and keep it up

  • My girlfriend says girls like skinny muscular guys like Brad Pitt in Fight club. She says that's the best physique for a guy. not those fat azz smelly body builders..

  • Alot of girls love muscles, but that's pretty excessive. You shouldn't look like you need a bra :P I'm not into muscles, but strength is attractive...

  • Totally unattractive.

  • i dont, i mean its good for a guy to have some muscle but im not attracted to body builders

  • It's nice to see, but that is not what I would be attracted to. I think it warns that the guy is way too vain!!!!

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