Problem with Photoshop serial code?

I used to have photoshop but than I format my pc, I installed it back, but there is a problem, whenever I close the program and run it again, it asks me for the serial code which I have, and I have to enter it again. I don't know why, it was not like this before. They have like two options one is the 30 days trial and the other is for the serial code, I have to enter the code every time.


  • if it doesnt work, try photoshop online. its free and its by adobe

  • try putting in the wrong code and see what happens, if it alows you to continue and then you start it again and have to put the password in again, you could be mistaking some letters for something else.

    like s 5 o 0 z 2 or capital letters, make sure that each letter you put in is exactly the same, not sure if it's a case sensitive one (meaning you need to put CaPiTaLs in were there capital on the code) that there all like they are on the code.

  • "i offered adobe photoshop cs4", and, "i offered this made of ebay to boot, yet would adobe nevertheless furnish technical help in helping me make certain this difficulty?" are no longer the comparable element!!! call Adobe and ask them. the 1st element they can help be attentive to is: If the unique proprietor remains utilising it, you have been conned!" Then, they are going to examine. eBay is a classic "customer beware" website. final motel: call the seller and tell them you go with your funds lower back, in the event that they do no longer eliminate it from their computer, or, you will record them to the police and would charge them with theft / Fraud!!!

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