Do HCG levels differ from each pregnancy?

I'm pretty sure that im pregnant (about 6 weeks). I have all the syptoms of being so, 15 day late (I spotted for less then a day, which i believe may of been implantaion bleeding), im constantly tired & feel sick to my stomach & have some "stretching" type of cramping. The only problem is that over the past week i've done 4 HPT"S & they've all come out negative. I've had 3 previous pregnancy & all of them I had positive results within a couple of days after my period was do. My question is, is your HCG levels different with each pregnancy & could it be that my HCG levels are just to low this time to be detected with a standard HPT???? Thanks for listening & others input is deeply appreciated


I am 15 days late as today ...AND... When i spotted it was 2 days b4 AF, not "i was spotting @ 15 days late". Sorry for the misunderstanding.

I wanted to post this as a reply but the forum wont let me do so.

Thanks for the responses Ladies


  • To correct the previous answer-it is EXTREMELY rare for you not to have hcg in your urine but in your blood... It is not a common occurrence at all!! So don't assume that is why this is happening... Also most home tests now days pick up only 25mui of hcg which is an expected level as of the missed period...

    By this time you should be getting strong positives!!!

    I'm thinking the spotting you had at 15 days late was actually ovulation spotting... I think you had an anovulatory cycle last month in which you did not ovulate at all (it happens sometimes in the healthiest of woman and is not a sign of fertility issues) and then at 15 days after you ovulated... So you will probably get your period 14 days from that spotting (give or take a few days)...

    The spotting at 15 days late could not have been implantation bleeding if you in fact conceived that previous cycle... Implantation happens at 12 days past ovulation at most which is 2 days before your period is do roughly.. So at 15 days past due, that is way too late...

  • i became/am in that appropriate concern. I had a miscarriage on November nineteenth and conceived back on December 8th. i became terrified, the miscarriage became so depressing. i know my tiers at approximately 4 weeks have been around 4 hundred, even with the shown fact that that is carefully diverse for each individual. those tiers are sturdy, as long as they are going up, because of the fact your toddler would have basically implanted slightly later than mine did and did no longer start up making hormones until then. on the astounding area, i became instructed by my well-being practitioner that obtaining pregnant top after miscarriage would not improve the possibilities of yet another miscarriage. i'm data of that, i'm slightly over seventeen weeks now and that i'm commencing as much as experience the toddler wiggle plenty! sturdy luck to you and your toddler, i'm particular your being pregnant will prove great!

  • Yes each pregnancy is different. Sometimes you don't excrete hcg in urine. Have a blood test. It's rare but still possible you could have an ectopic pregnancy. Often they don't produce enough hcg to show in urine. Urine tests don't pick up hcg until your count is 50 or above. The highest my count got during my ectopic pregnancy (ended at 5w 3d) was 119.

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