Why do South African Zulu Girls dress near naked?

I asked of this tribe because i saw some of them with their hair done, glasses, shoes and even some modern technology so it looks like their modernized but still wear minimal clothes.Also it seems as if the girls dont wear underwear or do they?Doesnt this make them ackward or worried ?


  • Hey, thanks for the bullshit answer to one of my questions, jackass. You're seriously dumb. Here's a phrase you're going to need to learn for your later years: "You want fries with that?" Scumbag.

  • Funny, i noticed the same thing with the men ... it's the way the do things at a ceremony, in the streets they are all dressed, just Google it for proper information - btw underwear is a personal decision, everyone make up their own mind about how many to wear .. or not

  • You are obviously uninformed. What you saw was probably just a Zulu tribe doing their cultural dance.

    Usually, however, all South African people, black and white, are fully clothed and we all wear underwear, well most of the time.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah. You visited south africa, and saw this zulu TRIBE ?? Behind what bush, did you say?

    Hello-oooh! You been busy with the dagga?

    I reckon you are good at handstands, how come you see there are no panties? Or was it a lack of bras that worried you?

    Yis, man. Be more specific, or smoke a different weed. Talk about people being backward, eish !!

  • You probably saw a picture taken at a traditional ceremony, like a wedding or some other sort of festival. When these girls go to school, walk around the mall, or stay at home to watch some TV they wear regular clothes, like you and I. Just because their culture is different from yours you shouldn't automatically assume that they are less civilized than you, that makes your ignorant.

  • The same reason girls dress near naked everywhere... to enable the bidders to see the merchandise.

  • It's mighty hot in South Africa. Maybe everyone else is overdressed.

  • what they are used to

  • It's their culture. You should accept it and stop being a critical bigot.

  • Haven't you ever heard that dating is fun in Africa because it's easy to get the panties off, why? because they can't afford panties

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