Good College Trades?

Can someone tell some decent/good paying Trades? I wanted to go to school to become a Pathologist(Coroner) Which requires me to take Biology. I was going to get a Associates in Biology,and than find something with a Associates in Biology but it looks like its pretty dry and dull for me. So what are some good trades? I was going to stick with a trade for right now.


  • In order to become a coroner in the U.S., one needs to become a licensed physician. That does involve a great deal of biology (and other science classes). An interest and passion for science is crucial for medical students. There are some places in the U.S. that will use the terms "coroner" and "medical examiner" interchangeably, but in other jurisdictions, the medical examiner may need to be a licensed physician (but not necessarily a "forensic pathologist" or even a "pathologist").

    For more general career info: and can search "physicians and surgeons" or whichever other career that piques one's interest. The "bls" website also has info re: apprenticeships.

    If you're interested in learning a trade, the local community college or even the county vo-tech school may offer such options. With regard to schooling, please do *avoid* those private, For-profit schools. Their course credits usually do NOT transfer to other schools, even if the for-profit school is regionally accredited.

  • Often schools have tests that will give you an idea of what you are suited for. It can direct you to a type of schooling that will serve you well.

    Often we have to take classes to get us to where we want to go. So, don't give up on the Coroner job because of a class or two.

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