Do puppy's change fur color?

When I first got my puppy he was all fawn except for a black spot on his tail... Now his tail is turning black like all of it and under his neck is turning black and some parts on his belly and back... Is it because he's shedding that he's turning a different color?? He's a 9 week old presa canario mix


  • Yes they definitely can change color. Some get lighter, some get darker, some get more markings.

  • I have no idea but my Yorkshire Terrier was blackish blue with golden brown legs and face as a pup but is now a 3 year old silver and light gold color. He turned silver within a year

  • Yes. I have seen it. My moms shih tzues changed color about three times. So have my pit bull pups.

  • yes they can change color, and some breeds are more notorious for having color changes than others.

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