How serious is a no contact order?

A friend is going through a divorce. The friend is in the military. He is seeing a women the wife found out so now he has a no contact order until the divorce is final.what happens if he continue to see this women??


  • I knew a guy who violated a no contact order and lost a stripe.

  • a no contact order is the civilian equivalent of a restraining order. If the spouse caught him, he's screwed anyway because she'll probably run him through the mud. If they have kids... oh man, he can pretty much kiss that goodbye.

    goodluck, hope you aren't the "other woman"-homewrecker never looked good on anyone

  • Who issued a No Contact order against the

    other Women...It never happened...

    The only possibility is if the Husband and GF are

    both in the Military...same Base might be

    enforceable...but not likely...

  • If he gets caught it's a big deal.

  • Oh..phffff!...court orders don't mean anything...geesh! Don't worry about it...tell him to keep swooning her with that wonderful melody that kept the two of them together for so, wait...

    Are you seriously this f*cking stupid? honestly?

  • find out

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