feminism has destroyed American families?

I believe that feminism has ruined this great country.

familys suffer because women don't want to have to be married to have kids, they want to work and throw their kids in daycare instead of keeping a tidy house and cooking homemade meals.

do you think feminism has led to the downfall of the US ?



i know a couple that has 6 kids, one income of 50k a year , no debt except their mortgage, mom stays at home and home schools em all. it can be done BUT NOT many are brave enough to live within their means


  • White middle aged men are the ones who have destroyed America

  • Being a feminist means choosing your own destiny. While there are some that have no man and a career, there are also feminists who are stay at home mothers too.

    I don't think it has nothing to do with feminist, but just how expensive things have become. People are forced to work more than ever without any time to be spent with the family.

    Btw, if you're going to add your furthur opinion, this isn't even a question, it's a rant. Plus, you have a very narrow minded view of the world.

    Six kids and one income of 50k a year... I'm sure they liked sharing three kids in one bedroom and eating only rice for every meal every single day.

  • The value of labor in general has declined. Labor is increasingly being replaced by tools, machines, and robots. So efficiently so that we are having a hard time keeping up with "new jobs" for the babies that are getting pumped out by our species.

    This means that wages are plummeting. First world countries are managing the problem with expensive health care and tightly managed population growth. In the meantime, third world countries' populations are still exploding, but their populations still suffer from diseases which were conquered long ago (such as Polio).

    I think people often confuse feminism and women's equality. Women's equality is one thing; that's fine. Be able to vote, equal wages, right to work, that's all good. But feminism -- I'm not sure if that's what our society needs. We're different for a reason. We're biologically different. It's not just the color of our skin. We think differently, we have different skills, we have evolved differently, we are *socially* different, we behave differently.

    For rhetoric: women chitchat in the bathroom, and men think this is vile. Women *communicate* on a far different plane than men. But... men are go-doers. Maybe a little brash at times, and far more isolated from each other. These are unique skills! These are not "equal"!

  • Feminism to me is featuring extra rights for females people as quickly as we could continuously be extra centred on equality. particular, it destroys the misogynistic classic place of a dish washing spouse that's a physically powerful project. we've enhanced previous that, yet some save pushing the subject to the component it defeats the purpose.

  • Really? I'll take your word for it then. I'd attribute the downfall to a combination of hubris, insularity, paranoia, anti-intellctualism and fundamentalism. But I'm not American, so I'm sure you know best!

  • the downfall of the US is that we allowed money to be the overall determinant of success. We were founded upon lies, deceit and greed and will die by it as well. To live is to suffer...to survive is to find meaning in the struggle.

  • i wouldn't say women want to hae kids before marriage or to be single parents. i think things just happen that way. and when you're a single parent you hae to work to support your child. im sure a lot of women would prefer to stay home and just take care of their child, they just dont hae that option

  • I'm not a fan of feminism either, but I'm also not a fan of trolls and I can tell by looking at your avatar that you're some sort of troll. You may even be a misogynist in disguise for all I know.

  • Yeah, attack women. That's the spirit!

  • This is painful to read.

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