How do I become pro at Super Smash Bros. Brawl?

My friend is really starting to piss me off. At the moment I'm better. I can beat around half of the Lv9 CPU's including Ike, Captain Falcon, Link, Marth, Mr. Game & Watch.

He plays 24/7 but I'm better but I'm afriad he'll cacth up and become better than me so how do I get better and fast.

Characters I use..

1. Samus

2. Mr. Game & Watch

3. Ness

PLz. help! Smash pros out there!



  • practice on the heavy lvl9 characters (DK, DDD, Bowser) since they are easiest to combo and dodge, it'll also teach you how to use DI (directional influence) when they hit you it will get your reflexes up for there slow moves, then you can move onto faster level9s like pikachu etc. its good you've limited yourself to specific characters that's a great start. versing players/humans is far harder then versing computers (if they can beat 9s) so try to research different skills like edge-hogging/guarding for players and CPUs and things like mind-games eg. dashdanceing, projectiles at melee range which work better against human players.

  • uhhh

    learn vocab that he does not no, but dont just blabber out hot tilt owned u with badger

    learn the actual meanings for moves


    air dodge(easy one)

    back air


    and try to use them alot he should be overwhelmed by all this and loose his awarness of whats going on

    samus sucks in brawl "pros"dont play her

    zero suit samus is better

    lucus is better then ness

    mr game and watch is not as good as he was in melee

    no normal link he sucks as compared to toon link

    that site will tell u the rest

    i dont want any dumba$$ prick telling me im wrong because i no this stuff from the d@mned pros so fu*k off!

  • Just keep playing with the comp or challenge your family members(better way).

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