I want to become a dental assistant in California. Can California license transfer to other states? or if I took national board dental assistant license, can I work any other states?
Each state has their own regulations and there is usually no reciprocity. CA, for example, does not recognize licenses or certifications (like x-ray certifications) from other states.
It is not necessary to have a license to be a dental assistant, but you might get paid more if you do. Here's more information about dental assistant school in California http://dentalassistingprograms.chartercollege.edu/...
Each state has their own regulations and there is usually no reciprocity. CA, for example, does not recognize licenses or certifications (like x-ray certifications) from other states.
It is not necessary to have a license to be a dental assistant, but you might get paid more if you do. Here's more information about dental assistant school in California http://dentalassistingprograms.chartercollege.edu/...