Do you consider yourself a globalist?

People who call Ron Paul "isolationist" and libertarians Fascist, do you consider yourselves globalists? One could say the opposite of isolationist is globalist just like the opposite of liberty is authoritarianism which is what our government has become.


  • I consider myself a nationalist, with global interests in helping bring democracy to countries who want it.

  • I consider Ron Paul an isolationist because he admits he is.

    He also speaks out quite a bit against global institutions- but all the while has no problem using them to his advantage when he can. And he can quite a bit, cause he's a politician..

    I like it when countries unionize together. I think that if the citizens and representatives of each can come together and agree about it, it yields great results for their economies and workers conditions. Rather than the model we follow, where extending our hand in trade to a nation it's often times just a domination of their market. If in the future more countries could do that on a global scale, humanity would be a lot better off.

    But what a "globalist" is in the contemporary sense is an international banker/resource holder. Globalists are enemies. Hey, globalists are enemies of free-market advocators and leftists alike. They don't support anyone's agenda. So no, I would call myself a globalist. The same way I don't call myself a "libertarian" because people will confuse me for a capitalist. People profligate ideologies.

  • People who call Ron Paul an "isolationist" are the kind of sad sacks who couldn't be bothered to do the 2 minutes of research necessary to learn the difference between "isolationism" and "non-interventionism".

    They believe what they are told.

    The "Ron Paul is an isolationist" talking point is about as valid as the "Somalia is Libertarian" talking point, and they both likely originated from the same source.

    I have learned not to bother casting pearls before swine. They seek and cite the information that confirms what they already believe, no matter how redick.

  • What's with all the small boxes? Life happens on a gradient, it's not an either/or equation, & if you think that a loose confederation of city states can defend itself from the rest of the world's nation states then I suggest you think harder about it. Like it or not we're kind of stuck with them seeing as none of the others are about to give up any of their power so that some of us can feel more free. I also suggest you look into the history of Germany before their unification & how they compared with the rest of Europe at the time in all of the trappings of civilization.

    The original definition of fascism was a small group of industrialists running the government of a country, by the way, where you may see parallels to our current state.

  • Somewhat

    Now a days pretty much everything that is happening in our economy and politics has a global impact.Bad economy in US means bad economy in EU and everywhere else.

    Less manufacturing in China means higher prices in United States.

    Globalism is unavoidable and it's not as bad as one may think.

    And I see nothing wrong with our country having influence on other countries .....that's what the "foreign aid" is all about.

  • I am a Survivalist. I know that's too hard for some to understand, but it is as it is.

  • How could a libertarian be a facist?

    Feudalist maybe -- but not facist.

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