Do steroid hormones ever contain amino acids?

I ask cause the definition I read was that steroids were only made out of sterols and that peptides where a totally different class of hormones.


Not anabolic steriods per se, I'm just curious if any steriod contains amino acids in it's structual formula. Other wise the defintion I have here is incorrect.


  • No because free range doesn't mean anything. Free range could just mean they have a slightly larger pen. Organic only means that they were not fed hormones and organic feed but the animal is still likely to be killed on a factory farm unless you grow the chicken yourself or you know how they grow them and how they slaughter them. Plus corn is a destructive crop most animal feed is corn so no matter if it is organic free range what have you it is still likely to be fed on corn. Sure maybe it might be a complete protein but it is not essential you can get everything else on a vegetarian or vegan diet and no animals need to get killed. Now if you were living in the wild and you needed food too survive and you had proper hunting skills so you would hurt the animal as little as possible and use as much of the animal as possible then fine but you probably go to your local grocery store where the stuff is already processed and packaged and all you have to do is buy it which furthers the destructive consumer economy. If you absolutely cannot get all of your proteins from non animal sources then you could eat chicken but it is always best when doing that too raise and kill them yourself so you are a part of the process and know what is going on.

  • If you are referring to anabolic steroids, the answer is no.

    Anabolic steroids are synthetic forms of the male hormone testosterone.

    Testosterone is responsible for what makes men manly. It increases facial hair, deep voices, and muscle development.

    Anabolic steroids and testosterone increase muscle size because they increase protein synthesis. This basically means that it can make your body build muscles quicker than normal. Proteins are just formations of amino acids sequences.

  • Steroids, be they glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid, estrogenic or androgenic, are all derived from cholesterol. They contain no amino acids.

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