Dangerous car audio problem.. help!?

My car audio keeps cutting out and I have to re-wire quite often, I thought I had solved this issue but apparently not.

Sparks fly out (not just a small spark which I would expect) but lots of sparks and actual smoke coming from my amps and wires on occasions. Resulting in melted wires and I can smell burning as I drive.

It never use to happen so Im confused how it's happening now. If the earth touches anything metal or slightly touches the live cable it sparks like a b***h.

I'm kind of worried this is going to mess my speakers up, or catch fire or something.. what is the problem???


I think I know which amp has the short, in fact im 99% sure it is the door speakers. What exactly is a short and how do I fix it?

The puzzling thing is it seems to be the only peice out of my sound system I had proffessionally fitted has the short..


  • A short is where the metal part of a wire touches another metal part, either another wire or the car metalwork. I would look at the wiring where it crosses from the door frame into the door, and replace if needed. Make sure rubber bushes - grommets - are fitted where wires pass over metal edges

  • My suggestion would be to purchase a residence stereo. It could be significantly better and cheaper ultimately. The hindrance is that if you hook a charger to a battery and take a look at to run stereo equipment through it you'll end up with a horrible squeal coming via the audio system. I know when you consider that i attempted to construct a display for a neighborhood stereo keep this way and discovered that to get a charging method that might no longer produce the squeal it will cost a lot more than I was charging them for the entire job. Hope i have been worthwhile.

  • You've got a short somewhere. Get some professional help before you cook the whole lot.

  • it might be some sort of problems in your receiver or amplifier ...get checked from whereu have fitted your audio sysytem.

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