How do experts analyse UFO photos?


In order to determine the truth or falsity of UFO photos how do photographic experts analyse them? What techniques do they use when examining them? What are the tell-tale signs of fakery?

I am interesting in any websites also providing some more info on how to authenticate photos?




  • dunno, maybe has something

  • There really isn't any trick to it. First thing you do is look for obvious stuff, like wires, tape, staples, whatever.

    Then you look at things like shadows. Where shadows fall on the craft, where the shadows from the craft falls. This is where most fakes get caught.

    It it is video, you watch what happens to the shadows as the craft moves. And you look at how the object moves. Does it wobble? Does it appear to follow a wire? What about the scale of the object? Does it stay in proper perpective?

    It is easy to make a fake for fun, but hard to get one that will pass investigation.

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