World Trade Center?

Do you think they should rebuild the twin towers or build the freedom tower?


  • As someone who lives in a suburb of NYC and whose husband works there every day, who had been up in those towers many times, I want them to put the towers back just as they were. There is so much bickering over this, and at this point I'm getting a bit tired of the 9/11 families with their constant demands and complaints. Many, many people lose loved ones and their pain and loss is no less--most don't get rich from it, as these 9/11 families did, and all their carrying on cannot, sadly, bring anyone back or undo the horror of that day. The city needs to move forward, and putting the towers back up would show we're not afraid and that those SOBs didn't destroy us.

  • Personally, I am not a huge fan of the Freedom Tower. I think it just represents more of the sappy, whiney, patriotism that is so prevalent in this country. I think that it would send a stronger messege that would tell the world that American cannot be brought down, if they simply rebuilt the orginial World Trade Center towers.

  • once I heard they were planning to rebuild the trade center but not make it as tall as the one before. Also, one woman on Oprah's show was saying she wanted to see a memorial on that site as well....but I heard they weren't going to put a memorial.

    Me, I'd like to see a memorial, a park, maybe trees and a reflecting area. Initially I thought a replacement building would be good, but I think there are too many memories there about people jumping....I think people want to rebuild only because that land is so expensive and would earn them money. But, I would prefer that it only be a memorial to those poor souls with a list of their names.

  • I think the fact that they have made so little progress on this project is a national embarassment.

  • build a islam temple

  • neither.. make it into a park

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