Can 6 dogs turn into a pack?

My Grandma has 6 dogs all different breeds. The other day I went for a walk ,and the dogs got out. Thats pretty bad because they never get out. So I ran looking for them and I found one (Jellybean the smallest one) being attacked by a big German Sheppard , so of course I ran to help ,but then my grandmas other dogs beat me to it and all 6 of the dogs scared the German Sheppard off.

It was almost as if they were working together as a pack. So I was wondering can the average dog somehow be in a pack with a group of dogs who are not even in the same breed as the other?

NOTE: I tried my best to stop the fight . No Dogs were Hurt .


  • Yes they are a pack. 2 dogs are a pack it is what dogs do and are.

  • Silly............. a pack can be a combination of many dogs all sizes and breeds. Dogs dont have any concept of breed or gender. They don't look at another dog and say HEY you look just like me lets be friends. Dogs that live together become a pack together. Each member will find there place and each member with have protection from other members. A pack can even include one dog and a family of humans or one human and 47 dogs. Dogs..again have no concept of species, breed or gender. All they know is that there is a leader and they need to follow. Ideally you are the pack leader the alpha ..dogs will see you as the head of the pack but the majority of pet owner have no idea about canine behavior. Dogs originate from wolves so I suggest you do some research on pack behavior for dogs. Google it just like that and read up because if your going to be responsible for 6 dogs you need to be a responsible pet owner.

  • Dogs that live together are like a family. Sometimes they get along, and sometimes they don't. But if you attack the smallest the rest will attack back. That can happen with even two dogs.

    I don't think breed really matters. I raise Chihuahuas, but I have several other breeds as well (because I can't say no to a dog without a home) The Golden thinks she is little and the min-pin thinks she is hugh. They all sleep in a pile under my desk as I work...

    One of my dogs died and they ALL have been depressed.

    Thanks for telling us that no dog was hurt.

  • It does not matter what breed we are, we all get along. Dogs are not racist. Dogs and people form packs, and any breed of dog, small or giant, can form a pack.

  • Yes, dogs will form packs. Even two dogs can form a pack.

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