What is your favourite piano concerto?

If your dignity is offended by being forced to choose just one, feel free to list several, but I'd like to hear your justifications for at least one with respect to:

-Musical/Harmonic language

-Technical writing for the soloist

-Technical writing for the orchestra

-Balance between piano and orchestra

-Innovative or creative form

I am perfectly aware of the above information on most of the really-standard repertoire concerti (e.g. the Beethoven, Mozart, Rachmaninoff, Schumann, Grieg, Saint-Saens, Prokofiev concerti), so I'd really like to hear something about some lesser known pieces (for example, I ask this question with the concerti of Vaughan Williams, Scriabin and Respighi in mind). Of course, I will still appreciate your answer if it details one of the more 'standard' pieces above.


  • Rachmaninoff 3rd...longing to play it. Soon now! Beethoven 4 & 5, Ravel G, Rachmaninoff-Paganini Variations.

    I love the Barber Concerto...it's an amazing piece. Bartok 3 is wonderful too. I also recommend Medtner No. 1: http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/...

  • Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No.1

  • I certainly cannot pick just one, but my favorites are Prokofiev's Piano Concerto No 3, Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No 3, and also Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No 4. It's not one of his popular concerti, but you should definitely listen to it! I love all three movements, listen to them all.

    I prefer the interpretation by Nikolai Lugansky


  • Chopin's piano concerto in F minor, although rachmaninoff 2 and prokofiev 2 are very close.

    i love the way chopin wrote his concerti because the orchestra parts are so minimal, yet so effective as an accompaniment for/contrast to the piano. the second movement of that concerto is one of my favorite pieces of music because it is so simple and so beautiful.

  • Prokofiev Concerto no.3. because of the clarinet solo at the beginning and all the other reasons listed above in bullet form.

  • Kabalevsky's Piano Concerto No. 3 'Youth' because of the melody.

  • Ehm if i said the one Matt Bellamy plays in United States of Eurasia would you know what i meant?

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