scary problem?

ive got a scary problem (SERIOUS) but i cant tell anyone in case they worry and it turns out i was being over anxious....what should i do...i really cant tell you what it is :-(


its not medical. im not a teenager .it is a unique problem/worry..i cant tell loved ones as it will freak them out and it may be nothing...or it may be inbetween/ grey area


  • u need to find somebody you can confide in...a best friend, a cousin, are u in school...maybe a school counselor. another idea..get somebody off here, and email them. maybe they can give advice...and its not like they are gonna call ur family, u know?

  • I agree with everyone else! How'd you expect us to have any chance of advising you when you won't tell us what the problem is.

    Give us a clue, after all, it's anonymous isn't it?

    But I guess if you can't, I hope you ARE being over anxious and good luck (whatever the problem is)!


  • you should definitly go tell someone, from the details youve given even if you are being over anxious at least then youll have some peace of mind. im sure if there a good friend they wont mind worrying for you x

  • Well what can we tell you if you can't say, have you a problem with a spirit in the house, because that's not scary, and there's plenty you can do to help stop that, are you broke, or are you expecting, i can't think of anything that is scary??/

  • I don't know if I should tell you the answer. Because I might be over reacting, and worry you more for not asking the question in the first place. Should I answer?

  • tell a trusted person what you have just said. tell them your problem but say i just need to confide in you and get some reasurance but i dont whant you to worry in case im beeing over anxious. good luck hun hope you get it all sorted out x

  • I guarantee someone has had the same problem before. Better speak with whomever you feel is the most experienced in the issue - parent, cop, chemist, doctor, garbage man, whoever.

  • tell a priest or a religious leader in privacy

    or call the following number...


    they are a "talk about anything" teen line

  • Well, do you have a best friend or family that you can tell it to? Because, if you really trust your friends and family you can tell them and they won't care (unless you did something bad). You can even just tell one person and see what they say.

  • Keep quiet pending diagnosis and if necessary, prognosis. Then tell anyone who will be affected by your problem.

    Good Luck, hope it turns out to be benign.

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