Picasso art project?

I have to do an art project where i take a painting by an artist and draw it on a shoe. I need help picking a painting. Are there any good abstract picasso paintings? and i also need information about the painting.


Would this one be okay?



  • hey! my friend had to do that same project! small world. pick something that is graphic, this will be easier than painting an image of a 3D object on a 2D curved surface. any of picasso's cubist works or his later line drawings, such as "hands with bouquet".

    good luck!

  • I understand that the painting needn't be by Picasso (the detail of a pic. you give is not by him). Excuse the comment: but a project to paint on a shoe seems a very strange mission!

    I wouldn't choose a Picasso painting - his work is not abstract but always based on subjects from real life. Something fairly easy to copy would be a painting by Dutch painter Piet Mondrian comprising squares of different sizes bordered in black. taken from what is known as his 'lozenge' works from the mid 920s

    See paragraph starting "These tendencies are particularly obvious ......" describing the painting Composition 11 in Red, Blue and Yellow illustrated alongside this section of the text.


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