flick to a random page in a book and pick out a really random word, then add capitals and lowercase letters and throw a few numbers in for good measure, don't put your adress on your account, so then if you are hacked you won't be compromised or some crap like that, have funsies! x
...your facebook won't get hack as long as you don't give your password away or fill out any fake facebook login page
that's normally how a person would get their password stolen these days if not for getting key log or something..
welp yea..
barely anybody knows how to hack without the use of phishing, social engerneering and so so..
all you gotta keep in mind is
don't give out your password away and change it every now and then*
flick to a random page in a book and pick out a really random word, then add capitals and lowercase letters and throw a few numbers in for good measure, don't put your adress on your account, so then if you are hacked you won't be compromised or some crap like that, have funsies! x
If you lost your facebook password, you can try this site