do noncustonial parents ever give up?
My daughters father and his mother have been trying every way possible to get her 3 yr old. They were not there for the birth, did not see the baby until she was 21/2 yr old and didn't want anything to do with jher until they got to visit her. Now they want her and the courts have told them no. But they keep harassing my daughter almost every day. Now they want a phsyo test to prove her unfit. Can we sue for harssment? Can we get a restraining order. This thing is driving my daughter nuts and is making her sick. Some good Lawyer please answer me.
Unfortunately if he is the biological father, he can continue to drag her back to court as much as he likes. Does he have the finances to continue endlessly? The court will appoint a mediator. There are so many civil cases like this and mediation is an outlet to try to prevent some of the heavy load on the courts. Your daughter and her attorney need to try to get at the heart of what he wants. His absense does not bode will for him. Is it the child support? Has he misunderstood something? Does he feel he is not getting enough visitation. She has got to get to the bottem of what he wants. And if it's custody for nothing but pure resentment of your daughter, see if he would be willing to go to a therapist with your daughter to get to the end of what could turn into a horrible time for her--endlessly and for the next 15 years. I'm so sorry this is happening and good luck to her and to you as her support system.
So sorry this is happening! I to had this occur. For a good 7 years. They did not want the youngest for he is disabled, which is very sad I think.
But the middle boy who is a teen is not diagnosed with anything but is smart as a whip and might be a little autistic as well?
What we did, after he moved clear across the US. (these boy's dad my ex hubby) is, the boy wanted to go and we let him. This ceased all communication between him and his real father. They did not get along.
Now this is not going to help you I know. From what I had learned through the many court battles (which we let him have the kids when ever he wanted so we do not understand what his reasons were?) is the father has every right to the child. Sometimes if the child is healthy I say let the child go. Have all the paper work signed, dated and all communication with the father written down. I did this through email.
Children are not to be fought over. I know it doesn't sound right when they do not show up in the child's life for years at a time. Child support can not be brought up in court either. My ex owes over $20,000 in back child support. Can not get blood out of a stone. He just quites his job and moves on.
It will turn out OK. One, I am told can not be selfish with a child.
I really hope everything works out OK for you!!
Not a lawyer but my input is, it probably won't stop. She just needs to be the best mother she can. Keep a notebook of everything they and say so she has a definite record of what they are doing. Don't let her give into the dad, just do what the courts order and no more. They may eventually get tired, but in the mean time it will be rough.
Any parent that doesn't try to get custody of their child(ren) isn't worth a pinch of sh*t.