Facebook is transphobic?

They only include 71 genders. There are an infinite number. They should let users input there own identities instead of having to choose


  • They're not transphobic they went out of there way to add 71 genders get over it. Besides they also have an "other" option.

  • I don t think they re being transphobic. The fact that they included 71 genders in the first place is astonishing, considering many websites will not/are against any other genders in general.

    Facebook acknowledged other gender identities, although they are not transphobic due to not having all of them/an option for people to input their gender.

  • Whether you like it or not, there are 2 genders. Male and Female. The genetic stuff is the same. I'm not transphobic, just speaking the truth.

  • There are in reality only 2 genders-- Male and Female. All these recent weird ones that are listed on here are just made up.

  • No. There are two genders. There are 2 sexes. Intersex and Hermaphrodites are medical conditions not a gender/sex. Anything else is fictional and not real. If Gender fluid and whatever kin are identities then so are fighter Jets, attack helicopters and transmission fluid are identities/kin too.

  • They do. You can put your own gender and select from several sets of pronouns. I have done that.

  • Seek help

  • "They only include 71 genders"



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