What do chemical pathologists do?

Hi.....I am interested in taking a career in medicine and have been researching on the internet for ideas. Clinical pathologists caught my eye and then I narrowed it down to chemical pathologist because I am really interested in chemistry- I am only in Year 10. I have been looking up what they do but if you could please help and tell me what kind of job they ACTUALLY do? Do they HAVE to do talks because I am not much of a speaker and are they like the head of the laboratory? Do they perform tests and things like that? If so what kind of tests? Also what kind of person do you have to be and what kind of qualities do you have to possess to be able to commit to a job like this because I read that sometimes it can be very stressful? Sorry this is getting so long but also what kind of grades do you have to get and what are the majors and things you have to take in college and university to become a chemical pathologists? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • In the US (I'm wondering if you are outside the states then this may not apply)... but here Pathologists in general will first have to basically go through medical school. And then they go on to specialize in certain areas. So it will be at least 8 years of school. Pathologists don't PERFORM the tests. The Medical Technologists do that. The Pathologist will interpret and diagnose from those results.

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