Facebook Photo help? inaccurate photo number?

ok, so I originally had about 60 pictures on my facebook account. I then changed them all to private except for the ones that I wanted to keep which were about 11 pictures. (I only did this because I didn't want to go through deleting all of them individually) it keeps saying that i have 60 pictures, when when i only have 11.

I tried untagging all of the ones that i hid, and deleted only a couple but it still says that i have 60 photos even though i only have 11. how do i make the accurate number come up? no other pictures but the ones that i approved on are coming up. i refreshed the page but on my profile it still says that i have 60 picures. please help! thanksss!


  • It cant change

    you still have alot of pictures on facebook its just ONLY YOU can see them

    Becuase you uploaded that many pics it will go down a few numbers but thats it nothing more nothing less

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