Do i have a mental disorder?

I dont know where to start so i guess ill just start at the beginning...

It was back in april, and i started dating this guy ( Keep in mind that im 13 now, 12 when this happened) I dated him for a while. Then come june problems came. He started to try to make me sext him. Then later on he made me show him boobs. It slowly escilated. I didnt want to do any of this. He forced me to give hikm blowjobs and handjobs. He forced himself on me. He said that if i didnt have sex with him, it ment i didnt love him. If i didnt do what he asked, he would threten it hit me, and he would yell at me. He tried to "eat me out" but i didnt let him. He wanted me to have a baby. and everytime i was with him, he would make me do something new. He might have hit me, i dint remember. by august of last year, he literally tried to rape me, twice. I broke up with him.

Now its Febuary. Ive been expierciencing short and long term memory loss. A wierd thing that happens, is say i have to put a cup away. I will be mentally telling myself to pick it up, but my body wont let me. I get sudden and very painful headaches that make me collapse, and i talk to myself a lot. I dont have many friends, and the ones i do have arent very close. I often get very frustrated pver irrational things like if someone it breathing too loud, i dig my nails into my hand. I also break things. I also have a fake reality. In this reality, i am a famous rap/sing star. I hav a band, and i go on tours. I live in this reality through daydreaming and listening to music. I also have another reality where i am a notorious gang leader. I live in both, and recently ive combined them. I cant focus on certain things for very long. and i also hate people. i generally stopped caring. i stillwant to live, but i dont really care about stuff. In the other reality, i am popular and have a ton of friends and groupies and fans. I always go to that alternate reality whenever i can, ecspecially if things get bad. I also feel that my parents dont care for me. not that they dislike me, but they dont care one way or the other. i think about running away, but i decide not to. dont come here and say ur parents will love u no matter what cuz i dont care. I dislike them because when they... we, were given a chance to have a trial against my ex boyfriend (he was just 2 months older then me) they said no. THEY SAID NO AND THEY DIDNT EVEN ASK ME! so back to the point. All those memory loss, not being able to pay attention, anger, and alternate reality, do u think i have mental problems or disorders? If so, what would they be? Sorry its so long. Thanks.


  • Theres no such thing as psychiatry so no. You can google about how psychiatry is fraud.

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