Why was Augustus Caesar a good leader?

Can you please give at least two characteristics of Augustus Caesar that made him a good leader? Thank you


can i get a website other than wikipedia that doesnt have so many big words? Im trying to research the answer myself but i dont understand half the words they use in wikipedia


  • Because he know how to act, and what the people wanted to see on stage.

    He was in effect the first Roman emperor. But he pretended to be merely the first citizen ("princeps"). because he know very well Roman citizens would never approve of a real king or emperor, especially the first class (senators and knights). That was the reason why Caesar was murdered: he appeared to have the intention to become king.

    But he made damned sure he kept full control of the army, and kept the essential political powers very close to himself. Without anybody really realizing what he did. Senators worried about becoming consul. That was the cherry on the senatorial pie. Not becoming a tribune of the plebs. For a senator, that was minor step in the cursus honorum. But Augustus knew very well a tribune of the plebs had 2 important assets: he had the right to veto *anything* and was expected to create laws.

    So Augustus gave up happily his consulship in return for becoming a tribune of the plebs - for life. That made everybody happy. Al the more so, because he was always very polite to the senate and the consuls.

  • Augustus Leadership Style

  • He was really good at organizing the affair of the roman empire. As big as the empire was one would need a skill lile that. Managing money, army, growth of cities, ect. Not only had he had some success with a few battles under his belt he was also good in the game of politic. overall just an intelligent guy that was well balanced with military strategy, politics and if im correct he was into philosophy as well.

  • He put an end to 100 years of civil war. He found Rome brick and left it Marble

  • For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/avoZH

    He was ruthless

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