greenpois0n serious help?

I cant, no matter what i do get it to jailbreak. I can get it to recognize DFU, sit for 3-7 minutes, say "jailbreak failed :(" and thats IT. i have an ipodtough 2g, 4.2.1, MC on windows. PLEASE HELP!! (btw, ive tried luminar1n or watever its called, app snapp (no longer works on 2g), and redsn0w. ALLL have failed.)


  • I guess your doing it wrong, I recently used Greenp0ison to jailbreak my Ipod Touch 2g, 4.2.1 MC, without any problems.

    Try once again, and if it doesn't work then i think there's a problem with your iPod, restore it and jailbreak it, it should work.

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