how do you hold a flag in a parade?

i need to know how to (physically) hold the flag as in the right hand on top and left at the bottom but which hand's palm faces outwards? and at what length of the pole should both hands be? and every thing else that seems relevant.


  • You hold it like you're holding a penis.

  • Everything you need to know and much more is at the link.

    In short the proper way is to either be in front of others with other Flags OR to be to the Flags right. This puts the Flag in the number 1 position to those it approachs.

    The same concept is used when displayed among muliple poles with the observers the number 1 postion.

    There are 2 drawings showing how to carry it. You may need a holster to strap over your shoulders with a holding cup at your waist so you do not loose control of the Flag.

    Make sure you read the entire section with Title 4 USC. That Flag is alive by virtue on Congressional decree and should be treated as such.

  • Are you in the military? If so your chain of command should be able to show you. If you are in a high school marching band etc, someone there must also know and should be able to show you.

  • Go look at You-tubes of military parades.

    I don't think there's a strict regulation on where your hands are supposed to be as long as it doesn't look stupid.

  • Your ''COLOR/HONOR'' GUARD will teach you this before you are in a Parade, etc. If you have a ''CANADIAN FLAG'' in the ''PARADE'', make sure it is ''FLOWN'' in a ''DISTRESS SIGNAL FORM''/''UPSIDE DOWN''; as ''COWARDICE CANADA'' and it's actions portrays this form of ''FLYING THE CANADIAN FLAG''!!!!!

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